

Completely self taught, Dean shoots a combination of traditional and digital medium format and panoramic cameras to capture the beauty of Tasmania’s spectacular coastline.

Having spent the last 3 decades as a commercial fisherman, Dean has been privileged to work amidst some of the world’s most prolific and majestic fishing grounds.  

Wanting to capture some of this beauty on film, he developed a serious interest in photography in late 2001 and since then has taken thousands of images of Tasmania’s coastal scenery.

These images have attempted to capture the raw beauty and many moods of the Tasmanian coast; Australia’s southern–most island state.

“Lying directly in the path of the Roaring Forties, Tasmania’s coastline can be serene in the morning and wild in the afternoon – this constantly changing environment can present some challenges for the landscape photographer but it also presents some awesome opportunities. Early colonial painters often remarked on the strange quality of light within the Tasmanian landscape and I have endeavoured to capture this quality in my work”.

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FACEBOOK: Tasmanian Seascapes